Berryz Koubou, ANGERME and Maeda Atsuko

Hello hello everyone!
Christmas is just around the corner!!! Are you all feeling the Christmas spirit?
It is getting very windy here and they say this weekend we will have lots of snow. A bit to much, because they are predicting big problems. We'll see. 

Anyway I just did the biggest order in my life! I pre- ordered Berryz Koubou's last album (regular edition because I want all the cds!!), ANGERME's first single and Maeda Atsuko's Time Machine something something!
I have never every pre- ordered an Album, so I am quite exited! I couldn't really pass on their farwell album as they made me fan of H!P. I also never pre-ordered a S/mileage single (now that they are ANGERME, they aren't really S/mileage anymore ofc.) nor did I ever ordered a Akb/Acchan single on CDjapan!! I am really exited eventhough I have to wait until febuary for them to arrive. Time flies anyway so who cares!



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