The last day of 2014

Hello hello everyone!
Are you all having a good day? It's the last day of 2014 everyone!! In just a few hours (for me) 2015 will start and nothing will really happen xD. These two days always make me kinda feel weird, because a whole year has passed (again), but then again on the 20th of august of this year, we also passed a year since the 20th of august 2013, if you know what I mean. Today and tomorrow are just other days in our lives, we only kinda gave it meaning. 
A lot of people always ask me; What are your resolutions for this year?
Well it's always the same: Live healthier, save more money, spend more time on school and family. But you all know how this goes. I never really follow up on them and I don't even feel guitly. But anyway I totally understand how for a lot of people a new year means change or a better year. And I truely hope that 2015 will be awsome for everyone! 
Currently H!P is having their countdown live concert. I heared that Country Girls preformed their first two indies songs there! I am so exited!! 2015 will be exiting for H!P and it's already starting right now (and friday!!).

Ah another thing I wanted to talk to you about!! I have been watching quite a lot of H!P and AKB48 video's and I have seen some girls that I really want to do a duet!! Like a H!PxAKB48 crossover!! Let me make a list here of the current duo's I would LOVE!!

Tashima Meru (HKT48) and Sato Masaki (Morning Musume)
I really think this duo would be awsome! Both are super cute, but have suprisingly mature voices. For some reason I can't help but see them and think: They kinda look alike!

Sashihara Rino (HKT48) and Ikuta Erina (Morning Mussume)
These two girls would look soooo good togheter! They also kinda look alike and I think they would have so much fun togheter fangirling over their favorite H!P member.

Matsui Jurina (SKE48) and Yajima Maimi (C-ute)
These two do not really look alike, but they give of the same mature vibe. I would love to see them preform a song like Ame togheter!

 Well everybody that's it for today's "personal" blog entry. I might post some other stuff about last year or about the new things we learn from the countdown live!
have a good ending of the year


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