ByeBye Mata nee Berryz Koubou: Golden Chinatown/Sayonara Usotsuki no Watashi

Today we are looking at a quite recent Berryz Koubou single!
Golden Chinatown/ Sayonara Usotsuki no Watashi
Single number: 32th single
Year: 2013
Singles sold: 36,023
Versions: 7

Answers for Golden Chinatown will be in Orange and Sayonara Usotsuki no Watashi will be in red.
1. Do you remember the first time you heared this song? Did you like it?
I think I heared this on in a radio rip. I kinda liked it, the song is quite catchy and fun, but not special. I liked the Golden Chinatown parts a lot. 
This song was a song I heared for the first time in Hello!Station and I was kinda disappointed. I found the song kinda boring
2. What is your favorite member in this song? (picture)
Yurina! Yurina and Risako
3. What do you like about this song and MV?
The song is catchy and has some very good parts in it. The lights in the MV gave a nice effect.
The instrumental sounds very dance like, which is nice and the box parts were nice. 
I loved that in both MV´s the girls looked super beautiful. 
4. What do you dislike about this song or MV?
The MV was kinda boring, while it was pretty simple to make a MV about Golden Chinatown intressting.
This MV was also kinda boring. The dance-shot location wasn't pretty or anything. The song was kinda boring and still doesn't really grab me. 
5. What do you think of the outfits?
I liked the outfits, because they fitted the theme and the girls looked really good in them. The dragon like print/the golden thingy was beautiful.
The outfits looked kinda cheap and boring. The girls looked pretty. my biggest problem was Momoko's hair. They had a sexy MV and song, and Momoko had a cute bow. 
6. Post a video of your favorite preformance of this song.
7. What is your favorite line in this song?
GOLDEN CHINATOWN all night long!! 
Usotsuki no Watashi, Sayonara
8. If this song was ever preformed as a shuffle, who would you want to sing it?
Linlin and Junjun eventhough they are not members of H!P anymore...
Fukumura Mizuki, Nakajima Saki, Hagiwara Mai, Wada Ayaka, Kanazawa Tomoko. 
9. What is your favorite cover?
10. Do you own this song on cd?
I don´t know!! I think I might have this one coming my way... 


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