H!P Hidden Gems: Summer Has Come!

Today a song that is very dear to my heart. This song never fails to make me happy, but isn't well known!:
Summer has Come!
Name: Summer has Come!
What kind of song?: B-side of Omakase♪Guardian
Artist(s): Guardians 4
Year: 2009

1. Is this song unknown or is it pretty populair? 
It's very unknown. Summer has Come! is the B-side for Omakase♪Guardian and isn't preformed often. 
2. What is a good preformance of this song?
3. Where there any outfits for this song? If not what are the outfits for the album/a-side?
They used the outfits from the a-side for this song and from their fourth single going on!

4. What makes this song good?
This song really gives a summery and happy vibe. It's a fast song with a lot of high notes. It's fun and super energetic.
5. When was the last time this song was preformed and by who? (if possible video).
The last time I know of is this summer by Kumai Yurina during her birthday event.

6. Which part should people look forwards to?
The chorus! It gives of such a happy vibe!
7. If this song was prefromed in the next H!P tour, what members should be preforming and in what kind of outfits? (Picture if possible)
I would love to see it being preformed by Guardians 4 for the last time. Otherwise: Iikubo Haruna, Ikuta Erina, Oda Sakura and Kanazawa Tomoko in:
8. Ask one other persons opinion about this song:

Danielle Ashley: It wasn't my favorite either but this song does have a nice refresh vibe to it.

Vivian: I hate this song

A while ago, I went back to the songs from Guardians 4 and discovered this on the b-sides, and honestly, I fell in love with it! It's this really fun, peppy song that makes me think of a summer at the beach, or a summer where youhave water fights in the garden... basically, it reminds me of a fun childhood summer with friends! It brings out the kid in me quite a bit I suppose, having this fun, innocent feel to it.

For a while, of the b-sides, it was this song I played quite a lot. In general I like all, or most of, the Guardians 4 coupling songs, but this one has a wonderful fun element to it that's addictive. It's not for everyone I suppose, but if you want to let your inner child out, then let rip this song!

9. Give this song a grade (1/10 with 1 being horrible, to 10 being awsome)
9!! I love this song!
10. What is the "populair" rating for this song?
It has been preformed at least once during the Shugo Chara concert. I also know Kumai-chan preformed it at least twice during her solo events. But let's say a 1! Which means this song goes to the second spot.


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