The best and worst of 2014: Ranking time

The last few days of 2014 started and 2015 is already around the corner.
This would normally mean that I would post my rankings on my Sakura Mankai blog, but this year they moved to my personal blog! This year we will be doing things quite similair to last year. 
Every group gets it's own single ranking, there will be an album songs ranking and other UFP songs (like Bitter&Sweet and H!P Kenshuusei). I will also do a little ranking of AKB48 songs!
Here is what you can expect:
1. Morning Musume '14 's a-side ranking of 2014
2. Morning Musume '14's top 5 MV's 
3. Berryz Koubou's a-side ranking of 2014
4. C-ute's a-side ranking of 2014
5. Berikyuu's top 5 MV's
6. S/mileage's a-side ranking of 2014
7. Juice=Juice's a-side ranking of 2014
8. SmileJuice's top 5 MV's 
9. Top 5 other UFP songs

Please look forwards to all these posts!! 


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