Germany, 60,000 views and Sayumi

Hello hello everybody!
I am back from a weekend with my family! We went on a little holiday because my grandmother celebrated her 75th birthday! It was really nice. We eat a lot of great things (a lot of buffets and gourmet) and we went to Germany. I really love Germany around Christmas. They have these Christmas markets with cute little stalls with food and goods. We went to this place called Duisburg. They have a lot of shops. I love shopping in Germany because they have so much! I am addicted to a shop called DM. It's a drugstore, which we have in the Netherlands, but they sell a lot more and for such awsome prices! I bought so much! I also love shopping at their bookstores, because they have manga and comics. 
Yesterday my uncle, aunt and cousin came to our holiday home (we rented one). We played Mario karts and it was a lot of fun. I really love it when we get to see family.
Other news: My H!P news blog reached 60,000 views! I can not believe it. My blog is now 4 years old and I posted so much on it (a lot of nonsense). I am really happy I can still keep it active and rolling! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading and supporting my blogs.

Not much has been happening in H!P after Sayumi left. Morning Musume, S/mileage and Country girls are getting ready for the new year and all their changes, so updates are slow. Updates on Berryz Koubou, C-ute and Juice=Juice are non existing. All this makes it really hard to be patient for 2015. 
The Kenshuusei are kinda active right now. We got 9 (NINE) new members this weekend and they released their first album! Great news and ofcourse very exiting!!

Last Summer three of our Pink girls did Momoiro no Kataomoi. Sayumi had the lead and it was really cute. But it did make me miss her more. Seeing Momusu without her is weird, refreshing in some sort, but weird. We got used to seeing her and now that she graduated, it's kind empty. Ofcourse we didn't really hear anything from Sayumi after the concert, she is taking a break as we know. But it kinda feels empty.

Anyway I hope you all had a great weekend and let's hope for a great last month of 2014!


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