ByeBye Mata nee Berryz Koubou: MADAYADE

I am sorry I have been kinda inactive, but today I am back with another Byebye Mata nee Berryz Koubou corner! Today we have MADAYADE, eventhough I have the feeling I already did it...
Single number: 18th single
Year: 2008
Singles sold: 25,469
Versions: 4

1. Do you remember the first time you heared this song? Did you like it?
Yes I do. It might have been one of the first Berryz songs I didn't like at first. I thought it was kinda boring and the setting was weird. 
2. What is your favorite member in this song? (picture)
Captain and Rii. I really love how both girls look here! Momo had her twin tails here already, but in a much cuter way. I think everyone looks really cute!

3. What do you like about this song and MV?
Like I said: At first I didn't like this song. But over the years I started to enjoy it and kinda see the amazingness in this song. I think the MV is very random, but fun to watch. 
4. What do you dislike about this song or MV?
The Madayade parts kinda get boring after a while and the MV doesn't really have a story or anything. 
5. What do you think of the outfits?
They are fun. I like the colors. It might not be all that flattering, but they are cute.
6. Post a video of your favorite preformance of this song.
7. What is your favorite line in this song?
Sou Jishin shiyou
8. If this song was ever preformed as a shuffle, who would you want to sing it?
9. What is your favorite cover?
10. Do you own this song on cd?
Mmm No I do not. 


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