The best and worst of 2014: Morning Musume '14's a-side ranking

Morning Musume '14's a-side ranking of 2014
This year Morning Musume '14 released a grand total of 8 a-sides! Let's have a look at only the songs and how much I love them!! Next will be the MV top 5!

Number 8
On number 8 we find: Kimi no Kawari wa Iyashinai. I really enjoy listening to this song eventhought it is really hard to sing. I really like Oda Sakura's part in this song. Her voice is perfectly showcased and you can really hear how much skill she has. The Chorus is really happy and gets everyone to dance. The Nippon parts make it catchy and make you wanna sing along. 
Still I find myself skipping this song a lot. Some parts are really boring and the tempo of the song changes a bit to much for my liking. I think there are a lot of other girls who should have had a chance to sing, but Riho shows how much she improved in this song. 

Number 7
Number 7 is a song that changes place with number 8 a lot. Password is 0 is a very strong and fun song. I really adore some parts of it (the chorus and the part just before). I think this song has a very strong start and a very catchy tune and lyrics. This song really shows us how cool Morning Musume is and how much they can do vocally.
This song is at number 7 because I sometimes just get bored with it. The Password is 0 parts can get so annoying and some parts just don't grab me. I think this is really sad, because overall I really love the song. 

Number 6
At number 6 we have Tiki Bun, Michishige Sayumi's last single. This song is very cool and has a very friendly feel to it. I really like how everybody gets to sing (eventhough it's not much) and how Kudo got a lot of spotlight vocally. The Tiki Bun parts make this song very catchy and easy to remember.
This song is at number 6 because it was just less good than the song that got into the top 5. I really think this song shows us the Morning Musume of this year, but it also makes me hungry for something more. Tiki bun is in many ways similair to the above to songs, a lot of parts are repeated and it's catchy. But it also makes the song kinda boring and dull. 
Number 5
Number 5 is a song I didn't enjoy that much, until I had it at repeat. It's What is LOVE? This song shows us how well Sayumi and Masaki can lead a song, but also how important a dance is for a song. I know I said I would only talk about the actual song here, but this song isn't half as good if you have never seen the dance. I really like how fast this song is and how it really makes you want to move.
This song is at number 5 because (like I said before), I didn't enjoy this song when it was just released. I found the song a bit boring and rushed? There wasn't even a real MV, it felt like they just wanted another song on this single and pushed this one. But now that I have heared it more, I really enjoy it and I can now see the beauty of this song. 

Number 4
Number 4 is for our sweet Michishige-san with Shabadabadoo~. This song has everything that Michishige is: It's cute, it's pure and it's true. The song is very catchy, but not in an annoying kind. The soft sort of singing Michishige does fits the song perfectly and gives such a sweet vibe. 
This song is at number 4 and I think it's a perfect place for it. Ofcourse this isn't really a Morning Musume song, but a solo song by Michishige. But it's and official A-side so here it is!

Number 3
At number 3 is a song that tells us how his smile is like the sun, yes! It's Egao no kimi wa Taiyou sa. This song is super fresh and very pure. There aren't much solo lines and the combination of certain voices is awsome. Furthermore we have Ayumi's rapping which is great. Eventhough I don't listen to this song that much anymore, I still adore it.
This song is at number 3, because this song makes me smile and feel all warm and fussy inside. It's such a fun and sweet song, while it's also fresh. 

Number 2
If there are people around here who know me, they would have totally know which song is at number 2! It's Mikaeri Bijin. Mikaeri Bijin is one of the two songs that got to me at the first second. I heared the first few notes and I just know I was going to love this song forever. The unison is perfect and the lyrics are sung with so much emotion. I really love how this song sounds and how perfect it is. 
 This song is at number two, because in my eyes it's perfect. It has amazing vocals, great music and such a beautiful message to Michishige -san. I think I will forever love this song.

And now the moment you have all been waiting for!!
Number 1
At number 1 we have a song that was so perfect, that even the concert rip got me to tears: 
Toki wo koe, Sora wo koe
This song was on repeat for the whole 6 hours to and the whole 6 hours back from my trip to Disneyland Paris and it never got boring. And even now, I can listen to it for hours and hours. I have been listening to the normal version, the instrumental, the vocal only and even the harmony only for days. This song has so much strong points: It's a ballad, but it's fast enough to be catchy. You can hear the instruments very well, which makes this song very pretty. The lyrics are very pure and true and I can totally understand them. I really love how they did Sayumi's solo line. 
The whole flowy theme this song has makes the song very soft. The bridge has these parts that fit the current Morning Musume, but also give it a fresh and beautiful sound. 
This song is at number 1, because I will never stop loving this song. If someone asks me what my favorite song was from Morning Musume '14, this is the one!

Thank you for reading my Morning Musume '14's  a-side ranking! I hope you liked it. Please look forwards to the second part in which I give my top 5 MV's from Morning Musume '14!


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