H!P Hidden Gems: Romance

Name: Romance
What kind of song?: B-side of Pepper Keibu
Artist(s): Morning Musume
Year: 2008

1. Is this song unknown or is it pretty populair? 
It's pretty unknown. The song is not preformed much (actually not at all) and it's a b-side, so people usually don't go to listen to it. 
2. What is a good prefromance of this song?
As far as I know this song was never preformed live. 
3. Where there any outfits for this song? If not what are the outfits for the album/a-side?
This song has no official outfits. Pepper keibun and cover you (the album the song was on) did:
4. What makes this song good?
The harmonies and the classic feel of the song. I really like the blending of the voices in this song.
5. When was the last time this song was preformed and by who? (if possible video).
It was never preformed by Morning Musume... 
6. Which part should people look forwards to?
The Anata ga..... Suki nan desu! It's very cute.
7. If this song was prefromed in the next H!P tour, what members should be preforming and in what kind of outfits? (Picture if possible)
The current Morning Musume in outfits like this:
They look so much like the Pepper keibu outfits!
8. Ask one other persons opinion about this song:
Vivian-  It reminds me of like an oldies song?  I thought it suited the voices of the members at that time.
Chiima- the tone of the song suits the members and their age, it's mature and appropriate for their distinct vocals. Romance is a cover, so of course it has that nostalgic feel to it, but I feel like the girls of Morning Musume really gave it that modern feel thanks to their own voices. It's a nice song, one that fit them all really well.
9. Give this song a grade (1/10 with 1 being horrible, to 10 being awsome)
10. What is the "populair" rating for this song?
For now it's number one, because it's the first song. But this song was never preformed, which means it gets a zero on the "populair" rating. 


  1. Good post I've never heard this song before. Just one thing it's performed and performance, preformed has an entirely different meaning.

    1. Thank you for your reaction. Oh XD thank you for pointing it out! English is not my motherlanguage, so I make a lot of mistakes!


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