Welcome 12th generation!

And here they are! Morning Musume's 12th generation members!
Yesterday the announcement was (finally) made that these 4 girls got into Morning Musume!
I wanna talk about them a little more! But first of all:
I'm so happy that there are 4 new members. They look so cute and pure! I can't wait to see them in action!
Ogata Haruna (15)
My first reaction to this girl was the same as all the current Momusu members: She is called Haruna? Two Haruna's?! But then again we once had two Ai's, so why not. Her official nickname is Daisaku if I'm right. I don't reallt know why she got this nickname and I don't know if it fits her. I think I would like to nickname her Ogaharu or Haruchii. But anyway she has been figureskate for 9 years and her birthday is the 15th of febuary 1999. I think she is very cute, she makes me think of a very young Aika with a bit of Uemura in her. I have high hopes for her vocals and dancing (she should be so elegant!!).

Nonaka Miki (14)
Such a cutiepetotie! Miki has lived in America for eight years and speaks very good English. She is currently 14 years old, but her birthday is next week! (She is from the 7th of october 1999!). Her official nickname is Mikitty, which was/is the nickname of Fujimoto Miki. That's why I don't really like her nickname, because she didn't get a new one. So I think I will call her Miki-chan, Mikichii or NakaMi. In America she had lessons on a school which is specialised in entertainment (dance mainly), so this gives me high hopes for her. I adore how cute and pure she looks and I can't wait to see more of her!

Makino Maria (13)
Doesn't she look familiar? OH YES she had been a kenshuusei for more than 2 years! Makino participated in the 11th generation auditions alongside Oda Sakura and became a Kenshuusei short afterwards. Now she won the 12th generation auditions and is officially a member of Morning Musume! Maria's offical nickname is Makki, which isn't bad. So I will stick with that one and Maria. I do like Maria, I don't think her singing is really good, but it's not bad either. She has a very cheeky aura around her and I think she will be quite prominent! Her birthday is on the second of Febuary 2001, which makes her (and Akane) the first member(s) to be born in the 21th century!

Haga Akane(12)

And last but not least, the youngest one of the 12th gen and of the current Morning Musume: Haga Akane-chan! Akane was one of the finalists for the 12th generation last year, but she didn't win. Now here she is! Her official nickname is Haga, but it's so boring, simple and not cute... I like her Kenshuusei Nickname better: Akanechin, which also isn't that catchy. So I like to call her Hagachii or Aka-chan.  Her birthday is on the 7th of March 2001. I really love how shy and cute Akane looks. Her vocal abilities aren't that strong but she will make up for it in other ways and get better along the line. 

I'm very pleased with the 12th generation. They look really cute and like a strong new generation. I can't wait to see them in their debut single and on stage more. I hope we get some audition footage soon, so we can see why they were choosen by Tsunku. 
Sub-leader Harunan with Aka-chan, Haruchii, Makki and Nakamii!


  1. I concur about Ogaharu's dancing. I can't wait to see her in action. (Sadly, good things come to those who do.)

    I'm super-psyched about Mikichii (I can see this one's going to have a LOT of nicknames) and the two promoted Kenshuusei.

    2015 is going to look pretty awesome in Morningland.


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