Sayumi's graduation: I am worried

Okay guys this has been playing in my head for a while now... 
Sayumi is graduating. Soon. Within 30 days.
We are getting so much "goodbye" Sayumi stuff:
A solo A-side, a song dedicated to her, her history on a site and so much more. She has been given so much screentime on Music Station and Music Japan. She is everywhere. 
Don't get me wrong: she deserves it. She has worked so hard for Morning Musume.
BUT, the past few days I was getting quite sad.
I know she will be graduating and this will have effect on Momusu's sales, I know it will.
But what really worries me is the future for the next graduating member.
This member (whoever it is) will never ever get a graduation like Sayumi. And that isn't really a problem, but how are they going to do it? I already felt sad for Risa that she didn't get her own graduation song, like Ai-chan did and let's not talk about Aika who didn't really get anything. 
Sayumi is amazing and she deserves a great send off, but I will feel so bad if the next graduating girl won't have a big send off. I don't know why I feel this way, but everytime something new is released for Sayumi, I can only think: they will never top this. The next girl that graduated will never get such an amazing send off. And they will understand, All the current members understand why Sayumin get's this kind of graduation, BUT it must still hurt.
But when we are talking about graduation: I would hate to see any girl go. I want them to stay forever, but I know they won't be here forever and there might be going one soon. You never know. Morning Musume got so big and we only have full generations if Sayumi leaves, so I feel like that won't last forever. 

But anyway, I just wanted to share my feelings on this topic. And once again: I think Sayumi deserves the current attention! It's not like I want her to have a small graduation or anything, it just gets me scared for the next one....
Okay, then Byebyeeeee


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