Welcome October!

Hello everyone!
I know it has been October for a few days now, but still WELCOME OCTOBER! 
The beginning of this month is always a little bit of a blur for me. My dad has his birthday in the end of September and my little brother in the begin of october.So I always have a lot to do and plan.
This year my dad got 50, so I baked him a pie, but the first one didn't turn out that well, so I had to bake another one in the evening. Gosh I wish I was better in cooking.
Today I made a meat thing. I don't know how it's called in english, but we call it Draadjesvlees, which translates into threat meat? It's beef and you have to cook it for about 5 hours in a pan with broth, indonesian soy sauce, unions and some spices. It takes so long, but when it's done you get this very soft and melty meat, which is amazing! It's kinda like stew I guess. 

As you might have noticed I have been very exited about all the things going on in Hello!Project. And today again I will take a little time for this:
It's Nonoka Miki's 15th birthday! She has just joined Morning Musume and she already got to celebrate her birthday! Congratulations sweety! May we celebrate a lot of birthdays with you!

Time has really been flying and for some reason I haven't really done that much. Some personal things have been going on and I'm trying my best to support everyone. So that's why I cooked today. 
Today and yesterday I have had this horrible headaches. A year ago I was diagnosed with chronical migraine, which was not that nice to hear. But I have learned how to deal with it. Only during stressfull periodes, rainy or stormy weather is when I have to deal with it. But it will be fine :).
This is a picture of the actual Ballons hanging above my head right now! I felt like sharing a picture of them with you guys. Ah btw This is my current top 5(no particular order) songs:
1. Morning Musume '14- Mikaeri Bijin
2. Michishige Sayumi- Shabadabadoo~
3. MomusuxS/mileage- Lilium (whole soundtrack!)
4. Abe Natsumi- Hikari e (will be sharing this!)
5. NMB48- Bokura no Eureka
I really love these songs and they are quite diffrent. Mikaeri Bijin is just perfect in so many ways. Shabadabadoo is very catchy once you listen to it more. Lilium is just one of the best things H!P has ever been involved in. Nacchi proves why she was once the center of Momusu, gosh what a voice. ANd Bokura no Eureka is my late summer jam (it's autumn already...?).
Anway the promised Nacchi track:
Even if you do not like Abe Natsumi or Morning Musume, please give this a listen. Her vocals are in perfect combination with the instruments. I can't even describe the feeling it gives me. It just makes me  fall in love music in general again. Please please promise me to give it a listen!
Ah I had another thing to show you guys:
This picture of my favorite girl in the world and just look at that face! How adorable does she look? I really adore this picture a lot, so I thought I should share it with you guys. 
That's it for my personal kinda post for today!
Byebye for now!


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