Byebye Mata nee Berryz Koubou- Otakebi boy WAO!/ Tomodachi wa Tomodachi Nanda

Hello everyone! This is my first Byebye Mata Nee Berryz Koubou post!
We are going to have a look at one of their singles and we will answer some questions about it.
Ofcourse our first single was selected by the randomizer and it's a double A-side to make it easy..
Otakebi boy WAO!/ Tomodachi wa Tomodachi Nanda
Single number: 22st single
Year: 2010
Singles sold: 35,002
Versions: 6

1. Do you remember the first time you heared this song? Did you like it?
Both songs when they were released. This was the first release of Berryz Koubou that I really followed. I loved both songs a lot, because they were diffrent. Otakebi boy was super cool, while tomodachi was super sweet.
2. What is your favorite member in this song? (picture)
Otakebi boy must be Risako. I loved how she shined in that song. Tomodachi is Yurina and Chinami because they are just awsome and they looks so good!
3. What do you like about this song and MV?
Otakebi boy Wao:
I adored the song from the first time I heared it. It is so cool and so strong! The MV fitted the song so good, eventhough it's green screen all the way.
Tomodachi wa Tomodachi Nanda:
This song is so sweet, I really like how everyone sings and how it's so friendly. The MV is really sweet. I love seeing them hang around and the beach setting. And that house!!
4. What do you dislike about this song or MV?
Otakebi boy Wao:
I dislike how not everyone gets to sing enough and the thunder is kinda meh.
Tomodachi wa Tomodachi nanda:
Nothing actually. I think it's all just awsome. 
5. What do you think of the outfits?
Good question. I really love both outfits. Otakebi boy might not be beautiful, but it fits the song and they look so awsome and glorious in them. I love the gun pocket and the headset.
Tomodachi had such awsome outfits and I love how everyone got to wear something awsome! Captain's outfit was just amazing. Those pants!!
6. Post a video of your favorite preformance of this song.

7. What is your favorite line in this song?
Oira dake fukou ja nai- in Otakebi Boy (and the SUPAKKUUUU BOY)
Tomodachi wa Tomodachi nanda- in Tomodachi 
8. If this song was ever preformed as a shuffle, who would you want to sing it? (No Berryz)
Otakebi boy WAO- Oda Sakura, Tamura Meimi, Okai Chisato, Inaba Manaka, Kanazawa Tomoko.
Tomodachi wa Tomodachi Nanda- Hagiwara Mai, Iikubo Haruna, Wada Ayaka, Nakanishi Kana, Katsuta Rina, Uemura Akari.
9. What is your favorite cover?
10. Do you own this song on cd?
Yes, it was my first H!P and Berryz purchase ever. It is the limited C version(as seen above). It's my treasure. 


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