Juice=Juice: their lives are not just for show

Hello Hello everyone,
Today I am going to make a post about the Youngest H!P group: Juice=Juice.
I have been thinking about this post for quite some time now, but with their latest single released I thought it is time. So let's talk about Juice=Juice.
Juice=Juice has celebrated their 1st anniverary and their first debut anniversary this year. A few days ago they had an event called JuJu day (10/10). I can't believe they aren't a new group anymore, but somewhere inside of me I do see the freshness of this group is kinda getting of.

When Juice=Juice was formed we had 3 Kenshuusei Aces and 3 kinda fresh faces. Juice=Juice was fresh, it was new and it has an umpf I had been missing in H!p. Watashi ga Iu Mae ni Dakishimenakya ne was just so diffrent. Everyone was so exited about this group. Samidare was also populair, while ten made nobore was kinda meh (probably because it was pushed in and kinda rush. 
When Aina left, it was a bit of a tragedy, but it did give Juice=juice some extra attention. They first three singles since their debut were (in my eyes) master pieces. And they also sold good! 
But now, I hate to admit it, but they are losing their freshness. Their last two singles were good, but they missed the whole hype. Ijiwaru was so populair and black butterfly was just kinda meh. It wasn't catchy and after a few listens it got boring. I never had that with Juice=Juice. I preordered all their singles, but Black butterfly is still in it's wrapping and I think Senobi will stay in it too...
It just gets me so sad that Juice=Juice is getting so boring.. I miss their documentary thingies. I miss how unique their songs were. Senobi is a great song and I think the MV is really good, BUT still it wasn't a song I needed on my Iphone right away. Just thinking about it makes me so sad. I really loved following Juice=Juice and seeing them grow. I still love them and KanaTomo is still my number 1. But I don't even regret not getting pictures of the outfits for Black Butterfly and Senobi.... 

How do you guys feel about Juice=Juice? Are they still grabbing your attention? And what do they need to get back to their fresh image?
I don't know how they could grab my attention again. Maybe a song and MV with something we don't expect from them? I also kinda feel like their group dynamics are quite boring. I feel like they do kinda like eachother, but it just misses the umpf C-ute, Berryz and Momusu have. Maybe it's because Tomo and Yuka are already older? I also have the feeling like Karin is just kinda lose from the group. I never really see her interact that much, nor hear the other girls talk about her much (exept if they have an event with her).
But My point is: I am worried about them. Their singles are selling lower each time and well I am slowly losing intrest in them and I am sorry for that...
Juice=Juice ganbatte!

Ikuta Kate


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