H!P Treasure box: Miyamoto Karin

It's finally time for a new Treasure box everyone! Ah it has been a while.
And today we are having a look at a girl that has the nickname of H!P Jesus:
Miyamoto Karin
Name: Miyamoto Karin
Nickname: Karin, Kopink
Birthday: December 1, 1998 (Age: 15)
Group: Juice=Juice

1. What do you like about this member?
 I like how she can rock certain lines (like her black butterfly line near the end).
2. What do you dislike about this member?
It's not that I dislike Karin, but I dislike how Juice=Juice sometimes feel like Karin and Juice=Juice. She is in front so much and she gets so much lines, it kinda annoys me. And I wish she kept her hair longer, caus she lookes adorable!
3. When was the first time you saw this member?
In Shin Minimoni! 
4. How did she look? (Picture)
5. What was the first song you ever saw this girl in?
As in very first:
And first with Juice=Juice

6. What was the first cd you bought with this girl in it?
Juice=Juice's Watashi ga iu mae ni Dakishimenkya ne
7. What is a preformance you really enjoy of this member?
Jurin's song <3 I adore her voice in this and the song is amazing. Sadly the video won't work, so I posted the MV instead.
8. What song would you like to see this member preform?
A slower song suits her better. So I think Koi ING or maybe Yowamushi?
9. Post three of your favorite pictures of this member.
10. What is your best memory of this girl?
Her reaction of being able to finally debut!
Bonus question:
If you met this girl tomorrow, what would you tell her?
Karin, you are really pretty and your voice is really good! Please grow out your hair <3


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