The 3rd gen is perfect!

I am so happy about this generation. SO HAPPY! All these 3rd gen girls where in my S/mileage or Debut please list! I can't believe how perfect this (very sunny) generation is!
Look at these cuties! I'm really happy for them and I do think this is a new chapter for S/mileage.
Murotan has been in my top of the Kenshuusei for so long now! In my eyes she is the perfect combination of cute and cool. She is small, but that voice! I'm so happy she got to debut, she was also one of the girls I was scared of losing, so YES! Murotan for the win! I'm just very very happy.
Rikako has been promising form the first time the fans saw her. She is cute and has a great husky voice. And she does look like Oshima Yuko and Maeda Atsuko, which is a great plus for her and her fans! She will do great in S/mileage!
Maho has been my favorite of her gen. I love how she looks like a traditional Japanese beauty and a little bit like Kumai-chan. I'm very happy she gets to debut already!

I am very pleased with these new girls, I can't wait to see them in action and see what S/mileage will become!


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