Blue Bird and Kosuga Fuyuka

Goodmorning everyone!
It's another very gloomy and dark morning here. 
I think I am getting into a post-summer blues or something.. Urgh I miss the sun.
Currently I am waiting for some friends of mine, cause we were going to study over skype.
So I have some time to write another post!
These days I have been listening a lot to Blue Bird by Ikimono Gakari, which is one of the best songs I have ever heared!! It is so catchy. I found it thanks to my little brother, who plays Taikou no Tatsujin. And the song was on there, so now my day starts with Aoi Aoi ano Sora. If you don't know the song, please give it a listen! It is worth your time!

Another thing I wanted to talk to you guys about is actually a girl named Kosuga Fuyuka!
Doesn't that name ring a bell?
It's a former sub- member of S/mileage and a former Kenshuusei!
Urgh I feel so bad for her these days. She was originally ment to be a S/mileage member, but do to her health, she couldn't stay in the group. I was extremely happy when she came back as a kenshuusei. I hoped for her to be able to go back into S/mileage. Sadly she stopped somewhere last year and NOW S/mileage decided to get new members. I really feel so bad for Fuu-chan. She should have been able to return to the group... But now she is living live as a normal girl, WITH a twitter account. 
A few days ago I sent her a message, telling her I missed her and she tweeted me back with: 
Thank you♪(*^-^*)
Urgh I am so happy to hear from her and to have had a little bit of personal contact. I wish I could tell her in Japanese how I miss her and how I wish she could have debutted. Such a cute girl.

So I am still waiting for my friends, but I don't even know if they will come online... I hate waiting without being sure if the thing I am waiting for will happen. I am, by the way, listening to Morning Musume's 14th album!! I am exited to hear what it is like!

Byebye for now,


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