Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everybody!!
I can't believe it's already Halloween! Time is going so fast guys. 
Anyway are you all going to do some spooky things today? 
I wish I could say I will be doing something, but in the Netherlands Halloween isn't really a thing.
We do have some stuff in the stores, but there are never any children trick or treating...
Last year I did have a Halloween party at the school I teach at and that was fun. 

So next week is the end of this semester, which means exams.. Because I study for being a history teacher I have a lot of history to remember. Sometimes I enjoy it, sometimes I don't. I wanna learn, so I can teach. But sometimes I feel like we learn so many things we will never use in the regular education system. So I always kinda wonder why we learn those things and not things we are going to use. I also have these subjects about students and how to teach. I enjoy those subjects a lot and I have never failed them. But even those can get quite boring. We need to make a lot of material for lessons, eventhough we never really use them. Do you guys ever feel like you need to learn stuff, but never really doing anything with them?
Anyway these past few weeks have been full of learning and my brain is overflowing. But I have to get good grades and I want them so badly. So I hope my hard work will pay of and that next periode I will be able to blog a bit more and tell you a bit more about my thoughts on H!P and other stuff. 

Thank you for sticking with me and until the next time!


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