Today is the day!

Teh day of the 12th gen arrived!! 
I can't believe how fast the time has been going, just a few hours and we will know who will be the new members! I really can't wait.
I don't really know how I feel abou the lack of audition footage. I always really loved seeing the girls and rooting for some of them. Now we don't know anything about the girls that auditioned, we don't even know which kenshuusei girls got into the finals. It makes me kinda sad, but also more exited. We really have no idea who will be coming into the group, not even a number of girls. 
Ofcourse I really hope there will be more girls than 1/2. I mean I adore Sakura, but she seems so lonely being the only one in her generation. 
Because I still have to wait, I'm watching the 9th, 10th, 11th and last years 12th gen auditions all over again <3!

In just a few hours I will be able to talk about the new girls!!


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