Time for action

Hello hello guys!
I'm sorry that I'm not posting as much. I still haven't been feeling all that well and I had some things going on with my boyfriend (he has to get surgery next week, nothing serious though). So we have been quite busy with that. Anyway today will be the first day I'm actually going to do some stuff again. 
In just a few minutes I'll be heading of to the school I'm  teaching at. I couldn't go there this monday due to a fever, so I'll be going to day to see the first class (freshmans I guess? We don't call them anything other than the first years here). I kinda wanna get to know them better, so I decided to go today.
Later on I'll be working at my normal job in a supermarket in my village. 

I'm feeling really tired because of everything that has been going on. The start of a new schoolyear is so hard. I love teaching, I really do. But just getting into the whole going there again is a bit hard. 

But everything is put into perspective when I heared about the terrible accident Ladies' Code has been in. I didn't really know Ladies' code nor was I a fan of them. I'm not really into K-pop, but I did see other people post about them a few times. Hearing about this accident broke my heart. It shows us how Idols are also just people and they can pass away to. Eunb sadly died due to this accident, while two members are still needing surgery. Rise has been in surgery for a lot of hours, but her body is to weak for more surgery, eventhough it is needed. She is in very critical conditions and unconscious
Sojung is waiting for surgery and is conscious. The docters did recommand not to tell her about Eunb's passing, because it could work against her healing process. She and Rise were badly injured and weren't reconizable when they were found. 
The other two members of Ladies' Code have minor injuries and are being treated for them. They are also treated for severe shock. 

I'm so sorry for Eunb and her family and friends. It's so sad she had to pass away so sudden. I'm praying for Rise and Sojung to be alright and I wish all the strenght to them, the other two members and everyone involved. 



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