H!P Treasure Box: Sudo Maasa

Today is the start of this new corner on my blog. 
I used a randomizer machine to determine which girl will be first and fate choose:
Sudo Maasa
Name: Sudo Maasa
Nickname: Maa-chan, Maa, Maasa
Birthdate: July 3, 1992 (Age 22)
Group: Berryz Koubou

1. What do you like about this member?
I really love how beautiful Maasa can be (if the picture is taken correctly). She seems very funny and loving. 
2. What do you dislike about this member?
Her current hair style is not my favorite and just a month or two ago, I didn't like Maasa at all. But all has changed! She is currently in my top 15 H!P members. 
3. When was the first time you saw this member?
I think it was in Watashi no Mirai no Danna-sama.
4. How did she look? (Picture)

5. What was the first song you ever saw this girl in?
Watashi no Mirai no Danna-sama
6. What was the first song released with this member when you became a fan of H!P?
Otakebi Boy WAO!/ Tomodachi wa Tomodachi Nanda
7. What is a preformance you really enjoy of this member?
8. What song would you like to see this member preform?
This is a good question. Mm I think a slow song like Kono Machi or Ame!
9. Post three of your favorite pictures of this member.

10. What is your best memory of this girl?
Meeting her at the Japan Expo. It was great, looking her in the eye, holding her hand and thanking her for everything.
Bonus question:
If you met this girl tomorrow, what would you tell her?
Maasa-chan, I hope your last months in Berryz Koubou will be really amazing. Thank you for all your hard work!


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