H!P Treasure Box: Suzuki Kanon

Time for some H!P Treasure Box! Now that I have done quite some members already, the randomizer was putting up all these members I already did! But after two refreshings I got this sweety:
Suzuki Kanon
Name: Suzuki Kanon
Nickname: Zukki
Birthdate: August 5th of 1998 (Age: 16)
Group: Morning Musume
Gen: 9th gen

1. What do you like about this member?
I love Kanon's character! She is so sweet and funny. I think she can sing really good, but they kind need to train her more. But damn this girl is so beautiful!
2. What do you dislike about this member?
Mm, I dislike nothing about her. I do dislike how she get attention because she is "fat". Cause: She is not fat! She is beautiful, maybe a little bit "chubby", but all this negative attention on a 16 year old is horrible. But anyway, let's not talk about this!
3. When was the first time you saw this member?
During the 9th generation auditions and her debut!
4. How did she look? (Picture)
(I'm dieing her of this cuteness!)
5. What was the first song you ever saw this girl in?
Maji Desu ka SKA!
6. What was the first cd you bought with this girl in it?
Maji Desu ka Ska!
7. What is a preformance you really enjoy of this member?
I have to be honest with you: I was searching for another song that Kanon once did. But I saw this one and she did so well! 
8. What song would you like to see this member preform?
Wataresebashi? Or maybe Ame no Furanai. Something slow!
9. Post three of your favorite pictures of this member.
 (urgh so beautiful)
10. What is your best memory of this girl?
I don't really have one best memory of Kanon-chan. Everytime she sings and the notes come out awsome, I just love her more!
Bonus question:
If you met this girl tomorrow, what would you tell her?
Kanon-chan! I love you. Don't listen to haters or anything. Be you and be happy to be you!


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