H!P Treasure Box: Sugaya Risako

Another Treasure Box today! And the randomizer got me a nice pick again!
Sugaya Risako
Name: Sugaya Risako
Nickname: Rii
Birthdate: April 4th 1994 (Age: 20)
Group: Berryz Koubou

1. What do you like about this member?
I love her voice! And she is so pretty. I totally adore how cute she is backstage!
2. What do you dislike about this member?
Her constant changing in hair color. I loved her black hair so much!
3. When was the first time you saw this member?
In Omakaze Guardian by Guardians 4!
4. How did she look? (Picture)
 (I died of cuteness)
5. What was the first song you ever saw this girl in?
Omakeze Guardians!

6. What was the first cd you bought with this girl in it?
Otakebi Boy WAO!/ Tomodachi wa Tomodachi Nanda
7. What is a preformance you really enjoy of this member?
8. What song would you like to see this member preform?
Shabondama! I would love it if Risako did such a song. Or maybe Kioku no Meiro!
9. Post three of your favorite pictures of this member.
(This was so hard! So many beautiful pictures!)

10. What is your best memory of this girl?
Meeting sweet Risako-chan and seeing her preforming in front of my own eyes <3

Bonus question:
If you met this girl tomorrow, what would you tell her?
Risako-chan, You are so beautiful and so amazing! Please never stop singing!


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