Morning Musume's 12th generation: My Kenshuusei Picks.

Before this post I had actually started a post about all the kenshuusei girls and the chances I gave them for getting into Morning Musume. But I didn't really like the post, because I frankly don't know enough about them to get their chances right. I do know a lot about the kenshuusei girls, but I don't know their fanbase or their populairity enough. So here is a new post about my Picks for Morning Musume's 12th generation out of the kenshuusei group!
I have to be honest: This was quite hard for me. I love a lot of Kenshuusei's, but some of them just don't fit into Morning Musume. I'll make a group of girls that are Momusu Material and a group of girls that need to debut wheter it's in Momusu or a new Unit (or s/mileage/ Juice=juice, whatever floats your boat).

Morning Musume Material

These 5 girls have the Morning Musume fibe if you ask me. They are all very pretty and talented. 
Ruru is very cute, she sings amazing and her dancing is really good. 
Rikako is a publics favorite. She is really cute, her husky voice is cute and she has a great vibe.
Manakan is a girl that grabs your eyes while preforming. She dances super good and her voice!!!
Musubu is such a little cute, but when she sings: Such a powerful voice!
Murota has the whole package: Cute, beautiful, amazing voice and good dancer!
My only concern on Rikako and Ruru would be them overshadowing or being overshadowed by the current members. Rikako makes me think of Kudo in so many ways: The husky voice, the boyish appearance and the hair cute, while Ruru makes me think of Ayuyu and Rihoriho. 

Need to debut (in Momusu or new unit)

 These six girls have a lot of potential, in looks and in singing. I love them a lot, but I´m not sure they would fit into Morning Musume.
Reina is really cute and makes me think of Meimi. She has a cute also husky-like voice which makes her unique and stand out. 
Kaedi has never really been a favorite of mine, until her solo line in Oheso no Kuni kara. It was so amazing! I think her voice will only get better.
Nanami has been my favorite for ages. She is super cute and her voice is really great. I think she would make a great idol. 
Yamaki is just adorable. She is somewhat older, but she makes me think of Miyazaki, which is great. Her voice is sweet and she would make a great leader.
Maho hasn't been in H!P for long, but her looks caught my eye. She looks like a traditional Japanese beauty and I think she will grow to become even more beautiful.
Kiisora is another girl I didn't really like in the beginning, but damn girl are you pretty and a good singer. She makes me think of Oda so much. I hope she gets a spot in a group soon. 

Currently H!P kenshuusei is filled with a lot of amazing girls. I hope Tsunku will do something with them soon, because I don't wanna lose another great girl (like Karen or Hirona...). 
In just 16 days we will know which girls made it into Morning Musume! Maybe some of my favorites?


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