2016 Member Ranking- ANGERME

Ranking in 3, 2, 1, Let's go!
Number 9
Take. TAKE? What is Takeuchi Akari doing down here? Really weird. I am quite sure Momona should be here, but oh well. Take just never really grabbed me. I find her voice impressive, yet she never really, well I don't know. She is just one of my least favorite members of ANGERME...

Number 8
What is going on? Maho? Aikawa Maho? Well okay, Maho-chan kind of does the same thing for me as Akane. I mean I am happy she gets pushed (I feel like she is Dawa's favorite...) and her ballet is really awsome. Yet she acts like she just joined and I can't really do anything with that. You have been in the group for two years girl, go grab your place!

Number 7
(By this time I figured out Momona is in my top three, which is wrong wrong wrong wrong. So, let's start over).

Number 9
Kasahara Momona. The new girl. For me it feels like she just doesn't belong to ANGERME, like they are lending her for a while. I mean, I am really happy for her. Any Kenshuusei has the right to debut, yet I never really had a thing for Momona. Anyway she still needs to grow, as she is only 12. I think she will grow into a wonderful addition giving her time. 

Number 8
Take, look her up.

Number 7
Aikawa, same. 

Number 6
DAWA <3. Our veteran Wada Ayaka. Gosh she must been around for years and she has been leader of this group for ages. Yet she still grows more beautiful everyday and her voice is actually still improving. 

Number 5
Lazy Puupuu. Katsuta Rina, our lazy bum, she might be one of those girls I would show when someone asks what the Idol make-over is. Puu is such a pretty girl, but not many would call her that when she just joined H!P. And she has hidden vocal talent! Did you guys see umaku ienai? She slays.

Number 4
Sasaki Rikako (said with the voice of the man who helped with her S/mileage member addition announcement). I adored her way before she joined H!P. As a combination of Oshima Yuko and Maeda Atsuko, I was bound to fall for her. And that Husky voice. Prettier than your girlfriend, it's Sasaki Rikako!

Number 3
The girl who was made to preform, Murota Mizuki. Dawa just snatched her away from Morning Musume. Nah just joking. Yet I think Murotan might be one of the most talented H!P members ever. She is super adorable and sexy at the same time. Her vocal talent knows no limites and her dancing mesmerizes everyone around her. 

Number 2
Number 2 and 1 ended at the same spot, yet I feel like Kanananananannana dropped my favorite spot. Nakanishi Kana is still high in all my rankings. Bit of a same story with Rinapu. Who had ever thought Kana would become such a prominent member, with many solo lines and almost always a bridge line (which are a big deal to me). Kanana is pretty and talented and I love her. 

Number 1
Her name says everything, Kamikokuryou Moe is Moe. I can not believe how much I love Kamiko. It's almost the feeling I had with Uta-chan (which is scary). She is so tiny and her voice is so strong and stable. I was really blown away by her sheer talent. Kamiko deserves to be number one and I can not wait to see this girl grow and grow and grow.

ANGERME is such an amazing group right now. I love them all <3 


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