Cooking with Sayumi: Michishige Sayumi's Love Love Burg

To celebrate Sayumi's return, I wanted to do something special.
I remembered Sayumi participating in a show called: Ikinari Ougon Densetsu. 
In this show she did the 10,000 yen challenge: living on her own for a month with only 10,000 yen.
Sayumi made some delicious looking meals during her time on the show and I kinda want to write them out on my blog, so you guys can cook her dishes!

Michishige Sayumi's Love Love Burg
Ingredients (for 1 serving):
1/2 Potato
1 Carrot
1 Onion
2 Eggs
35 gram Ground Meat
Mentsuyu (Noodle soup base - can be bought at asian food stores)
Worcester Sauce

How to?
1. First start by peeling the potatoes and carrots. Then cut them into smaller pieces.
2. Peel the onions and mince them really small. Fry them brownish in a pan with butter or oil.
3. Break 2 eggs in a bowl and mix them well. Add the onion and add breadcrums to your liking.
4. Add the meat to the mixture.
5. Pour some Mentsuyu over the mixture to your liking. 
6. Mix everthing togheter with your hands.
7. Make a form of it with your hands (like a hamburger).
8. Put it into a pan with butter or oil and cook until it's cooked thoroughly. You can add your Carrots and potatoes in the pan to fry them.
9. Take your burger(s) out of them pan and mix some ketchup and worcester sauce with the left over to make a sauce.
10. Cook some rice as a side dish.

Serve the burger with the carrots and potatoes and pour the meat juice over the burger.


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