[Review] Digimon Adventure Tri - Reunion

Today I finally got to see Digimon Adventure Tri. 
Ofcourse it wasn't released until today, but I have been waiting ever since it was announced!
This will be a review like post, so this means Spoilers.
If you have not see Digimon Adventure Tri, please go watch it and return!!

Okay, so Digimon Adventure Tri. It was once announced as serie, but now it's like a serie of 6 movies. This is quite weird, because Reunion consisted of 4 episodes or maybe I should call them parts. But I watched it and I loved it. Ofcourse I loved it, how could I not love Digimon. 
Let's make a list of the things I liked:
1. The intro
The intro is one of the best things ever. It made me feel so nostalgic, but it was also incredibly new and modern. I love the original Butterfly better, but the song is just to amazing to dislike. 
2. The transformations
I lied, the transformations were the best thing about the news series. I adore adore adore adore adore it. First of all hearing Brave Heart again gave me goosebumps and teary eyes. And the new transformations. They are so pretty and the digimon actually turn into eggs before they digivolve. I was so happy to see how it's still kind of the same, but also really diffrent. It reminds me so much of the old version, without being a copy. 
3. The digimon
Omg the digimon are adorable. They are just like I remembered. It's so nice to see them back again and I kinda like how they are drawn now. More thick and monster-like. It really fits the theme. 
4. Love triangle 1
Koushiro is like the cutest thing every. I adore how the makers are totally shipping him with Mimi, but then there is Joe and he is adorable too. 
5. Love triangle 2
I actually thought YamatoxSora was kanon, but I guess they are still not sure? It does keep things interesting, but come on, I was just used to Sora going out with Yamato... 
6. Takeru the player.
I never thought they would make Takeru a player. I really shipped him with Hikari, but they made him a player and a good one too. I laughed so hard when he had to call of 2!!!girls for Yamato's concert. 
7. Bromance
Do I approve of the never changing Bromance that is Taichi and Yamato? No, I really like how their relationship is still kind crooked. It would be so weird to see them being all best friends, while it's much more interesting this way. I approve. 
8. Taichi as adult
I am really happy the makers decided on making Taichi an adult. Or at least think and act like an adult. In the other series he was often called immature, so to see this development is amazing. I really feel like he grew up and it's making me teary all over again. 
9. Sisterhood of the Digigirls
I adore that Sora, Mimi and Hikari (+Digimon) are going out togheter and are such good friends. It's really nice to see this!

Ofcourse there were also a few things I disliked or well would have liked to see diffrent:
Where the hell is Joe. WHY isn't Joe more in the picture? I don't get it. He is one of the originals... WHY!!! They better not make Meiko into the "new" Joe!
2. Animation
There were parts, a lot of parts where I hated the animation. They could have done so much more with it and sometimes it's just really really bad. It makes me sad, because I really wanted this to be mindblowing in every way. 
3. What the hell happend to Daisuke and the others?
Where are they? They were shown in the beginning, but nobody is missing them? I don't understand what is going on. It looked like they were kidnapped and suddenly nobody talked about them. Big plot hole guys.
4. Why don't the people remember digimons?
So after all that happend in 01 and 02 I kinda expected the humans to know about the digimons. Like that they exist and that there are good and bad digimons. But no... Plot hole number 2. 
5. The story
Next to the plot holes, I was kind of disappointed in the story. I mean it really wasn't a story. I just watched 100 minutes in which the digidestineds got back togheter with eachother and the digimon. They fought like 2 battles, met another digidestined and found out Gennai is contacting some humans, one of which is Tai's teacher! I mean this is a good beginning, but for now, no real story.  And what's up with the ending? Joe looking all creepy and mean?

Overall I am really exited for this new Digimon story, but there are a lot of things I would like to see fixed. Yet I want more. I need more. When is the next "movie" coming out?


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