H!P Voices: My favorite Voices!

Today I wanna talk to you guys about some of the current best voices in H!P.
We have a lot of new girls and a lot of new groups. 
I want to look at all the groups and point out my favorite and a second pick, or a voice I also enjoy a lot. When I am done with the current members,
I think it's not hard to figure this one out but:
Suzuki Airi
Airi's voice is one of the smoothest and most beautiful voices ever. She can hit every note without much effect. I really love listening to her solos. Airi always know to suprise me and I can totally imagen her going solo one day and making it big!
Okai Chisato
I adore Chisato's voice. She is really strong vocally and has quite a low voice. She is second because there are moments when she sounds really raw and well you got to love her kind of voice to enjoy her as much as I do. 

Morning Musume '15
My favorite voice of all the Momusu girls isn't hard to guess:
Oda Sakura
Sakura's voice is perfect to me. I really love how smooth and soft it sounds and how she can really belt out amazing notes. Sakura is very natural in her singing and it just makes her voice so pretty. 
Sakura is just like Airi a girl I can totally imagen being a soloist one day!
Kudo Haruka
As a second I have Haruka. It was really hard to choose a second girl. I loved Riho's voice during the musicals, Haruna's voice is so interesting, Kanon can sounds amazing  and we still have Miki and Masaki. But I guess Haruka sounds best all around. I really adored her during the musicals and her center in Oh My Wish was amazing. Haruka's husky voice is really nice and I love it.

Next up is ANGERME, let's talk about the best of them:
Murota Mizuki
Ah Mizuki. I adored her voice during her Kenshuusei times and now she is the best singer of ANGERME. I am really happy she get to sing so much and show of her amazing voice. 

Nakanishi Kana
I really like Kanana's voice. It's really diffrent and new and I really like it. When she first joined, her vocals were terrible, but she grew so much. She deserves to be in the second spot. 

Another group with one girl that keeps blowing me away. 
Kanazawa Tomoko
Tomoko has a voice I can't get enough of. I really love her husky and deep voice. I always like her voice in Juice=Juice songs and even more when she is paired with Sakura or Airi. It's just so good! 

Uemura Akari
Maybe you guys think it's weird I did not choose for Sayuki or Karin, but I just enjoy Akari's voice more. She is sounding more and more pretty and I loved her on the album. 

Country Girls
For country girls it's really hard to choose my favorite voice, but let me try.
Yamaki Risa
Risa has quite a nice and clear voice. I really like it and I like it since she was a member of the kenshuusei. I always hoped she would get into a group and show of her mature voice.

Ozeki Mai
As a second I choose Mai. But actually I like all of their voices. But in their 2nd single, Mai really blew me away. Her voice is so cute and clear. I really adore it. 

Kobushi Factory
Kobushi hasn't been around for long, but it wasn't that hard to find my favorite.
Hirose Ayaka
I didn't like Ayaka at first. I don't know why. But she has been growing and I really enjoy her preformance now. And her voice. It's so smooth and full. I really adore her voice and how strong it can be!

Nomura Minami
MinaMina has such a pretty and nice voice. She isn't as strong as Ayaka, but she sounds so nice. I really like how she is kinda pushed.

Tsubaki Factory
Tsubaki is to new to talk about. I don't really know any of their voices. So I can't really make a choice about them right now. 


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