Pray for Paris

Last night, the horrible news of Paris reached me. 
I was already half asleep, so I didn't understand how big this was until early this morning.
I woke up in a world that had been attacked, a world that was black with grieve.
Once again terrorists took many innocent lives. 
Once again terrorism tried to distroy our way of living. 
It makes me so mad and devestated to hear about all these innocent people who lost their lives. 

We must remember that this is an act of terror from a group of people.
Not a country or a religion. 
It's an act of terror towards people who have nothing to do with war or violence. 
I can not believe this actually happend. 
Where is the humanity? Why would you just go and kill people?

My heart is crying for everyone involved and I hope the lost ones will rest in peace. 
We must remember to stay strong and don't be victims of fear. 
We can not let those terrorists get what they want: Fear, war, death. 
We must be strong and help as much as we can. 
It's important to be there for eachother and support Paris. 
The city of light now needs our light and we must shine hope upon them. 

I pray for the wounded and the lost souls. 
I pray for the traumatised people and the other affect humans. 
I thank and pray for the police, docters and all the others that helped and are helping the victims. 
I pray for peace and love.

And again I wanna remind you all: This is an act of terrorism by barbarians. 
This is not a religion or a land attacking, but a group of humans. 

Paris, please stay strong. 


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