Thank you Very Berry: Handshake Event in Paris

Handshake Event in Paris
Meeting Berryz Koubou has been one of my biggest wishes. Eventhough my attention had been on other groups within H!P, I always wanted to meet them the most. Berryz Koubou means so much to me, that meeting them was one of my biggest wishes.
When it was announced they would come to Paris I was over joyed. It took me some time to figure out how to get there financially, but my boyfriend was a great help. I didn't think I could do it, but he told me: This is the group you wanna meet right? The group you always told yourself you would see if they came to Paris? Than you should go. It might cost money, but going to Japan will cost you more, so let's go. 
He was right. I promissed myself I would go, so we booked a hotel and the fun started. 
I was Super exited, not only would I be seeing a concert of 2 amazing groups, but I would be able to shake their hands and thank them real life. 

For the handshake event I needed a ticket that was in the cd. So when we arrived that was the first thing I got. Lucky me: they still had some. The ticket inside gave me the chance to shake all of their hands and I already knew it would be worth it. 

The lines was long. There were a lot of people and they were cutting in line like crazy. I felt kinda underdressed, because I was only wearing my normal outfit, while all these fans had outfits matching their favorite member, but I knew this was not about that. 

I had all these things planned to say, but once they arrived, my head went blank. All the girls were much smaller than I thought. Funny thing was, they came in on high heels, but they stepped out of them behind the booth. I stood in line and had to give a woman my ticket. I was shaking all over. There they were, so close. I could hear them talk for real and see them with my own eyes.

You don't know what you will feel until you are face to face with them. I had made them presents but I was way to shy to even start about it. I was overwhelmed and actually kinda scared. I have always watched them on screen and to be so close to them... I must have been sweating like hell. But anyway I was waiting in line and Gosh I really couldn't wait for me to be with them. 

Here are some picture from when I was waiting in lines of the girls:

I know they are very bad quality, but I took them with my phone (didn't know I was allowed to take pictures...) and I was shaking really bad. These pictures are also on my other blog btw, with some C-ute pictures: Click.

And here it was, My moment with my idols. And gosh did it change me. I never thought it would, but it did. The girls were standing age wise, so I started with Saki.

Captain was really really small. I was really suprised to see how tiny she was. She looked really fragile and cute. I was so nervous, so to start of with beautiful captain was even harder. I said Hello in English and she said Hello back while waving and taking my hand. I said thank you in english and arigatou right afterwards. She smiled at me and said Arigatou back. 
Here is a picture of me with Saki (I am in red):
She is leaning forwards so much :3!!!

Momoko was also very tiny and I have to admit a bit scary. She took my hand very firmly and looked up to me (I am only 165, but she was really small). I said hello to her in English and her eyes grew big. She said to me: I-E! Konnichi-wa Momochi!! I smiled and said: Konnichi-wa Momochi and she smiled happiliy. I said Arigatou and she said Arigatou back and Byebye in such a Momochi way.

I was really looking forwards to Chinami's handshake, but gosh is that girl thin. She took my hand very lightly and I was really scared of grabbing her hand back to hard. I said Hello, but she was kinda spacing off, so she was like: Konnichi-wa Arigatou Gozaimasu and that was it. I also said Arigatou but she was already busy with the next person and it made me kinda sad.

Maasa was very diffrent. In the pictures from H!P she always looks kinds plumb, but is that girl beautiful. She has a very round face, but I would really call her skinny. She is beautiful! She took my hand and she beamed. I said Hello! and she said Hello back. I thanked her and said: Otanjobi Omedetou. She took her hands back and did a thumps up while saying ARIGATOU!!!! She looked super happy and it made me smile!

Miyabi is really really beautiful close-up. She had a big smile on her face as I said Konichiwa to her. Everthing was so overwhelming, she must have noticed. She took my hand and kinda pulled me towards her. She said: Arigatou Gozaimasu! and I thanked her back. She said Mata nee! and waved. 
Here is a picture:
I am the red thingie you see. I love how she looks so intensely at me. 

Next up was Yurina. I had so much to say to her, how much I adore her and how much she means to me, but I choked. I don't even remember things so well, but a friend of mine took this picture of me with Yurina:
You can't really see, but she is looking down on me (cause she is bigger xD) and she waves at me. I remember saying hello and thanking her for everything (I said something like Zenbu, Argiatou gozaimasu. 

Risako is also really tiny and cute. In real live you can totally see she is the youngest member of Berryz. She is super beautiful, but still has that cute baby flow on her.
I said hello and thanked her! She was super sweet and smiled the whole time while thanking me back.

(ofcourse after this we had C-ute, but this is about Berryz, so only Berryz for now.)

 I wanted to tell them all so much, but I couldn't. Still I really loved my moment with all of them and they were so amazing. I really liked how much I actually loved them all and how diffrent they are in real live! I am very happy I got this oppertunity and I wouldn't have missed it in the world. 


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