Thank you Very Berry: 6th Otakebi Album

6th Otakebi Album
Everyone has their favorite album. My favorite Berryz Koubou album is their 6th album: 6th Otakebi Album. I really adored this album and the songs. I actually wanted to make a review about the album, but I am just not very good at making reviews. I can only say what lines I like and which not. 
This album just had a lot of good songs. I remember this periode being their "Otakebi" periode, a bit like C-ute just had their Kanashiki Heaven era. A lot of things they released in this periode were with Otakebi, their album, one concert, one concert tour, the single and ofcourse the Spark version. 
 This album has four of my all time favorite Berryz Koubou songs on it:
Watashi no Mirai no Danna-Sama
Tomodachi wa Tomodachi nanda
Kimi no Tomodachi
Grand Demo Rouka Demo Medatsu Kimi
Ofcourse two of them are singles, but they are still favorites! I really loved Kimi no Tomodachi. The song has a lot of meaning to me and Risako's lead is just perfect. I really loved the duet between Maasa and Yurina. Yurina is my favorite so hearing her sing that much, was super awsome. 
I remember loving the outfits a lot, but seeing them now makes me kinda wonder why. I really don't know what to think of those shiny outfits. They are not ugly, just not very good. 
I never bought this album, but I think I will one day. Please have a listen to this album if you didn't already. Not only are there the songs I mentioned, but there are also other cool songs!


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