The best and worst of 2014: SmileJuice's top 5 MV's

SmileJuices top 5 MV's
I am sorry for not posting another best and worst sooner!! But here is the S/mileage & Juice=Juice MV's top 5!!! It wasn't hard to choose between the MV's, because S/mileage and Juice=Juice had really basic MV's...

Number 5

Most outfits are horrible, but the whole feel of this MV is cute. I really loved the whiteness of Eighteen Emotion, the speakers and the colorful wires. I like the part were they all lay down and sing. I do think this video could have been a bit more happy, but I really liked the vibe. And gosh did Kana and Rina look fab!

Number 4
I know a lot of people don't like this MV, but I actually adore Mystery Night. I love the outfits (maybe not on these girls... but anyway). I really liked the darkish setting and how the whole MV was kinda dark and sexy. It might not totally fit S/mileage, but it just kinda grabbed me. The dance-shot had such a great setting. Dawa really caught my eye during this MV. 

Number 3
Hadaka no Hadaka no Hadaka no KISS has a very simple MV, but I love it. It's dark and it really gives of the feel the song has. I really like the solo dance- shots. The outfits are also something that really shows of in this MV. I love how much Kanatomo we see in this MV. The whole point this MV is not at number 1 is the tacky flower at the end. I hate how they putt the flower over the girls..

Number 2
Senobi has such a beautiful and fresh look. I love how modern it is and how beautiful the place is they shot it at. The blueish overlay makes the MV really cute and it stands out. I really like the shot after the bridge. Eventhough the girls looked less beautiful then in Hadaka, I think this MV was better. I also loved the outfits!

Number 1
This MV is a fair winner. Aa, Susukino has such a great setting. I am a sucker for outside like MV's and the solo shots might not all be outside, but it looks so good! I really loved the dance-shot and the wada/rinapuu speaking parts. It's quite dramatic and the airport kinda gives this vibe. I just think this MV is very clean and beautiful!


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