ANGERME's fashion disaster

I adore Angerme, I adore their first single and I like their MV's. But I can not get over the outfits they are wearing in Taiki Bansai. It looks like a total fashion disaster in my opinion.
Let's have a closer look at them from left to right.
First up is Meimei. Her new haircut is amazing, but not they way it's styled here. Her outfit looks outdated and super ugly on her. She has such a good figure, why hide it with this ugly one piece.
Take-chan looks like she is wearing the outfit she came in with the day they were shooting. It looks like a casual outfit, which isn't bad. But come on! She could have been wearing everything, not this simple and boring outfit from home.
Wada's furry vest is a disaster. It looks Horrible... I quite like the rest of the outfit, eventhough it's super simple, but the furry thing is terrible!
Maho looks cute, her outfit is pretty good, eventhough it could also be something she was already wearing on the day of shooting...
Rikako has a pretty stylish outfit. I don't know if I like it or not. Maybe it's the hair or how boyish the outfit it, but they could have done much better.
Murotan looks like she is wearing something that could fit in a H!P mv. I like it a lot and she looks super cute. Her legs look perfect in this outfit.
Kanon looks like a misplaced loli, which is probably because of the hair. Her outfit looks outdated and for older woman. Her shoes don't fit the outfit.
Kana also looks like she is wearing the same thing she picked to wear in the morning at home. She looks cute, but really normal. 
Rinapuu.. oh gosh rinapuu. She looks like she just came out of bed. Her hair is a mess and her formless and looks like PJ's. 

Urgh I wish they would have choosen better outfits for Taiki Bansei, because the song is amazing.. What do you guys think of these outfits?


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