The best and the worst of 2014: Juice=Juice's a-side ranking

Today we will have a look at Juice=Juice's singles from this year. They had 3 singles with 6 songs in total. First of; I think Juice=Juice is kinda going down with the qualities of their songs. 

Number 6
Black Butterfly was by far the worst Juice=Juice song of this year. It wasn't a bad song, but it was a step down from Hadaka no KISS. The song was pretty boring and well it never really rolled nice. I loved the whole spanish theme, it fits the group a lot, but the song never got the umpf it needed. 
I kinda liked the black butterfly parts, but overall this song was just really boring.

Number 5
At number 5 we have a song that is pretty good, but gets annoying after a while. Date janai no Uchi no jinsei wa  was already preformed during their tour and it was announced as a tour song. But for some reason they decided to release it as a single. The song is pretty good and has some amazing part in it. 
Like I said the song is pretty good, but it kinda bores me after a while. I am not to fond of Karin's and Sayuki's vocals and even Tomo's vocals aren't that good in this one. That's why this song is at number 5. 

Number 4
Kaze ni Fukarete was a pretty good song. The kinda riverdance theme was pretty nice. Everybody got to sing and there were some pretty awsome parts in there. 
This song is at number 4 because I didn't really the verses that much. It's a pretty good song, but it missed the Juice=Juice umpf. 

Number 3
This song must have been the most happy song Juice=Juice released all year. Are kore shitai! is such a fun song. I loved how everybody got to sing and how much this song fitted them! 
Another pretty awsome thing about this song is, how much you can relate to it! The lyrics are something anyone can find themself in! And the Engrish was adorable!

Number 2
Senobi was quite the song after Black Butteryfly and Kaze ni Fukarete! I really liked the dramatic feel of the song and how they did the two group singin. It gave the song such a cool and fresh feel. The bridge must be my favorite part, Tomo's super soft voice, Yuka's cute voice and Akari's fresh voice sound so awsome!
This song was just a really nice change and felt like Juice=Juice again. I think this song could have been a perfect solo a-side, because it's strong enough.

At number one is the song that really grabbed my heart. I adore the singing and the whole song!

Number 1
Hadaka no Hadaka no Hadaka no KISS
This song has everything a good song needs: an amazing beat, lovely vocals and something that grabs you. This song had a Tomoko lead, which makes it even better. But the whole thing flowed so nice and felt so good. It is a very catchy song in which the girls really show of their vocal skills. 
This song was their first song of the year and it was such an amazing start. Listening to it still makes me wanna sing along and feel the whole spanish vibe again. The thing with this song compared to Black Butterfly is: this song is a Juice=Juice song with a spanish vibe, while Black Butterfly is a Spanish song done by Juice=Juice. This song was their own, black butterfly doesn't feel like they made it their own. 
Watching and listening to this song, really makes me miss Juice=Juice. Their last two singles were fine, but not as striking and awsome as this one. I adore this song and I hope they will make songs like this again. 


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