ANGERME: S/mileage 2.0 + 3rd gen

ANGERME has been release quite some stuff these past few days. They preformed their 18th single (1st as ANGERME) and they released MV previews of both MV's.
It's a really exiting time to be a fan of this group. I really love this group and all it's members. But I do kinda wonder why they went with the whole name change and color change. I guess Aya and Maro felt like the group they were at that point wasn't S/mileage anymore. Maybe they felt like this the moment 2nd gen arrived and Saki and Yuuka left. But anyway, the group only changed their name and colors, because they are going on with the original S/mileage songs (otherwise their new single would be number 1 and not 18). 
The 3rd gen has been in S/mileage/ANGERME for about 3 months now and this is how I feel about them and from what I have seen from them:

Murota Mizuki
Murotan was made to debut. Seeing her preform made me really feel happy that she got to debut. She is super pretty, has a lot of energy and smiles all the time. I love her singing voice and how strong it is. I can't believe she is debutting now, because she should have been given the chance way earlier! Seeing her preform shows me how she is at the same level or just a bit below most of ANGERME's members. 

Sasaki Rikako
Rikako is a fan's favorite and I can totally understand why. She is very charismatic and she has a lot of talent. She was ready to debut and she shows it. I do think her performance level is a little bit below Murotan's, but she is still a sight to see when she preforms. I totally understand why she is center in Taiki Bansei. 

Aikawa Maho
Maho-chan has been a bit diffrent. You can really see how unsure she is of herself. She is incredibly shy and looks really scared during some parts of the preformance and during talk video's where the others talk. I really feel sorry for her, she must be incredibly happy to be able to debut, but she didn't train for a long time and she must have a hard time keeping up. I think she will do great and like Kana, will one day have a great spot in ANGERME, but for now: stay strong Maho!

The other members seem to be doing alright. Dawa looks more like a leader now that she turned 20 and has more kouhai. Maro looks somewhat happier now that the announcements have sunken in. Kana is getting the chance to use her low voice (Harmonies!!), Take is just doing her thing, Rinapuu stays the smily cutie and Meimi is a bit more cool, but still the noisy kid with the suprising voice. 

I really think ANGERME will do great. Their first single sounds really good and I hope it will sell good. They also got a Budokan concert to work for, which is awsome! 


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