The end is near!

Hello everybody,
Thank you for staying with me through these times of me being boring.
Now that my tests are over I can finally post some things on my corners!
This week has been so full of ups and downs (biggest down being my exams and Nanami leaving).

I have to say that news about H!P is going a bit slow. The biggest things happend, but we have to wait until the new year for more! The 12th gen, New S/mileage and Country Girls won't debut until 2015, so we have to wait sooo long. But it will be a great year 2015! 

Last week I pre- ordered Berryz' and C-ute's new singles. I never pre- ordered their singles because I never really wanted to have them that bad. Berryz Koubou ofcourse has their last single so I neeeeed that one and C-ute's new single is just amazing. I adore the songs. So I ordered them with first press bonuses and I can't wait for them to arrive, which will be in late November. 
Above are the versions I ordered. I adored both covers (which is new for regulars)! 
Anyway I don't have anything really to talk about today. I am just very happy I finished both my exams and it feels like the weight is of my back (for now). 
Have a good day everyone! I hope to do some H!P Treasure boxes and Bye Bye Mata nee Berryz Koubou corner! Please look forwards to it. 



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