I miss you

Hello Hello everybody,
Today I made the first test! I don't really know how it went.. I wrote a lot, but you never really know until you get it back right? At least I am happy one of them is done. I did my best, so I will see what comes next!
Anyway fall has really started here. Today was very wet and windy... 
I kinda wish the sun came back already, because I am ALWAYS cold. 

Last week the deadline for S/mileage's new name ended! Did you all sent one in? I did, but it was a really crappy one. I really wanted to sent one in just to show my support, but it was really bad. 

Today the full version of I miss you by C-ute was released. I really adore the song! It's so cool and the I miss you parts really kinda break my heart. I can't help but see the song as a cry to Berryz Koubou. About C-ute becoming grown- ups and how they will miss you and feel lonely. Such a great song!!

Gonna relax a bit more. I wanted to learn, but after the test my brain kinda died. So I'll give it some rest and learn tomorrow!


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