S/mileage and the day after

Hello everyone,
How are you all doing? Did your tears stop flowing?
I am still kinda emotional about the whole graduation. Hearing sad music or Mikaeri Bijin makes me all teary. But one day I will be able to listen to it without feeling sad. I hope Sayumi had a great day and that she will have the most wonderful life she can get. She deserves it for making so many people happy. 
Today all the profile pictures for Morning Musume '14 were changed. No Sayumi. It looks kinda empty. But the members look amazing and ready. Ofcourse the 12th gen is not yet included, because they won't officially join until January of 2015. So we will have to wait a few more weeks for them to be members. 
Time goes incredibly fast and now Morning Musume has no members left of the Morning Musume I became a fan of.. And that is weird. Ofcourse I understand the concept of Morning Musume and I love the changing around and all the new members, but still it's weird. 

Yesterday S/mileage preformed as an openingsact for Morning Musume. They did Eighteen Emotion with the 3rd gen, which means they debutted! This is super exiting for their fans and them. 
Sadly we haven't seen it yet, nor is there any information on their new name. But I can not wait to see or hear something about this! Yeah for S/mileage and the 3rd gen. 
I hope we will see more of them soon!
Byebye for now, 


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