Byebye Mata nee Berryz Koubou: Aa, Yo ga Akeru

Next we have a single. I was already a big fan when this song was released!
Aa, Yo ga Akeru
Single number: 27th single
Year: 2011
Singles sold: 17,643
Versions: 5

1. Do you remember the first time you heared this song? Did you like it?
When the previews were released. I really liked it, such a soft and still kinda dramatic song. And there is a lot of Yurina which is always a big plus.
2. What is your favorite member in this song? (picture)
YURINA! She was beautiful in this!
3. What do you like about this song and MV?
I really like the setting and the dramatic tone in the song.
4. What do you dislike about this song or MV?
I don't know. I like the song a lot and the setting and diffrent shots were great.
5. What do you think of the outfits?
 I loved the outfits. They might have been a bit to "sexy" for some fans, but I thought everybody looks beautiful and soft in them. 
6. Post a video of your favorite preformance of this song.
Not the best outfits for a live..
7. What is your favorite line in this song?
Yurina's high line!!
kurushime masu ka
8. If this song was ever preformed as a shuffle, who would you want to sing it?
Fukumura Mizuki, Yajima Maimi, Wada Ayaka, Kanazawa Tomoko.
9. What is your favorite cover?
10. Do you own this song on cd?
No. It is a wishlist item though. 


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