Why does this always happen?

Hello hello sweet readers,
Today was the day I had a test. It was for school and my fourth try. Still I have the feeling I didn't pass it. Cause it was really hard and there where so many questions About stuff I didn't even know I had to learn. It was awful. One of my classmates left after 5 minutes, that's how bad it was. Anyway now I'm going back home. 
My companion is a tsumtsum from Japan! It's oswald the lucky rabbit! So cute!! It's not busy in the train, but next to me there is this man who smells like sweat. The kind of sweat that makes you want to throw up. He isn't directly next to me, but every time he moves, I just wanna puke. I feel horrible for him, cause I know how terrible it is to smell like sweat. But this guy doesn't even seem to mind he smells. Urgh but that smell!! 

Anyway lets talk about something more fun!! Another entry to my wreck this journal! 
I had to get a napkin and write a secret on it. Ofcourse I can't tell you the secret, because it wouldn't be a secret anymore. I got the napkin in the Costa Coffe in Hastings! I was in Hastings just a week ago and it was so great! When we are in the UK we always go to the Costa to have a nice coffee or creamy cooler! I adore that place and this one in Hastings was pretty cool! My favorite thing are the shortbreads! They are to delicious for words! Give them a try if you are ever going to the Costa. Ah I'm almost there! 
Got to go!! 


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