H!P Ranking 2013- 2014
Hello everyone!
Today I will talk about my rankings for 2013 and 2014! I want to compare them and see what changed!
It will be a pretty long post, so I will putt it under the spoiler!
Please do understand that I do not hate the girls who ranked low, I admire all of them, but I just like some more than others.
Here we goooo!
2013 2014
Sudo Maasa for 2013 and Takeuchi Akari for 2014. Sudo Maasa has gone up in the ranking so please keep looking for her. Maasa was always very invicible for me, but it changed. Take-chan is just not my tast in girl. I think she stands out to much in S/mileage
Number 32
2013 2014
Both are Takagi Sayuki. I really don't think I can ever love this girl. I really enjoy her voice, but I just find her kinda meh in appearance and aura. It makes me kinda sad because she seems very nice.
Number 31
2013 2014
Takeuchi has dropped 2 places. On her old place is now Tsugunaga Momoko. Momoko is a really sweet and awsome person. I really loved meeting her, but her preformance overall just doesn't really get me!
Number 30
2013 2014
Momoko just dropped one place, which isn't to bad. Her place is now occupied by Karin. I really don't get why Karin has to get all the lines and screentime in the Juice=Juice songs, cause there are so many other girls in Juice=Juice. But anyway she is on number 30.
Number 29
2013 2014
Pretty strange how Nakky and Maimi keep changing places. Maimi went up because I adore her voice in ballads. Ame has been my favorite for weeks now.
Number 28
2013 2014
Meimei was down here last year because I liked the other member of S/mileage better. Riho is here because I just don't really enjoy watching her. I do like her backstage and I know she works very hard, so I still love her. But She is just my least favorite in Momusu.
Number 27
2013 2014
Little Riho only went down one spot. Maimi went up 2 so that's pretty good. I just really think Maimi is beautiful and her voice can be so amazing.
Number 26
2013 2014
Haruka was so low in my ranking. She went up quite some spots, just like Meimei. I always kinda forgot about Haruka being in Momusu... But not anymore. Meimei's vocals are just amazing! So she went up.
Number 25
2013 2014
I don't really know why Rinapuu was so low last year... Maybe because I don't really pay that much attention to S/mileage.. Anyway she went up and Mizuki went down. I really like Mizuki, but she can be just so plain and kinda boring. So she went down...
Number 24
2013 2014
Akari was really low last year.. She went up because them this girl is beautiful! Mai is really awsome and I really like how she looks. Still she went down, but I don't know why.
Number 23
2013 2014
Nakky went down and Masaki went down too. I really adore Masaki, but I do think she should try to take some things more serious. I hope to see her bloom more when Sayu leaves and she is a sempai for more girls!
Number 22
2013 2014
Karin went down so much! But I kinda think she changed to much also for herself. Nyon also went down, but still I really like how mature she has become.
Number 21
2013 2014
And there is Nyon again! Just one place down. Sayumin is awsome. I really adore her! I'm happy she is still in Morning Musume and I hope she has a beautiful future.
Number 20
2013 2014
Hagiwara went down for quite some spots, eventhough I still love her. Dawa is here instead of her number 18 spot last year. Dawa went down because others went up. I still love her lots and I think she is absolutly beautiful.
Number 19
2013 2014
Sayumin went down a few spots and Miyabi did the same. Miyabi has so much talent, but I can't help but wish her hair stayed the same for longer. I will miss both girls when they leave h!p.
Number 18
2013 2014
I wanted to say that Mizuki and Rina almost switched places, but they did. Katsuta is becoming such a beauty and her voice became so pretty. She deserves to be higher up.
Number 17
2013 2014
Dawa only went down a few spots. Akari went up quite some and just look at that pout. She is so beautiful! She deserves this spot!
Number 16
2013 2014
Kawaii Masaki went down, but she is still adorable. Risako is super duper sexy, but also went down. Eventhough I always loved Rii, her recent "style" is not my tast and I do love her more backstage when she is still cute and young.
Number 15
2013 2014
And here is Rii's last year spot. Not to much of a change. Chisato went down some spots but not because I love her less. Meeting her was amazing and she was so cute and sweet. I still adore her voice.
Number 14
2013 2014
Miyabi went down some places (that outfits says enough, urgh XD). Haruka went UP Up UP!!! I really started to see her charm and cuteness again. Sometime you just forget these girls are more than the things we see. Haruka went up and I hope she will stay this high!
Number 13
2013 2014
I never ever ever ever thought Maasa would move up this much. But meeting this girl was such an eyeopener. Maasa is amazing everyone please don't say she is not <3 She is kind and very sweet. Kanana moved up, so don't worry ;)
Number 12
2013 2014
Chinami stayed in the same spot. Such a pretty lady and so cute! I love her singing voice a lot! I dread the day she is going to leave H!P....
Number 11
2013 2014
I'm so boring! Captain stayed at the same spot too! I mean that's great for her and me, cause she is beautiful and amazing!
Here is my top 10, I warn you: this might get really boring!
Number 10
2013 2014
Yuka-chan stayed in the same spot. She is super beautiful and I really love that she was added to Juice=Juice! I hope she stays for a long time!
Number 9
2013 2014
Chisato dropped some places, while Kanana moved up! Kanana keeps suprising me with her voice and smile. She is so unique! I hope she will get more spotlight soon!
Number 8
2013 2014
The Suzuki's switched places. I just really enjoy Kanon lately and well Airi is just perfect. I do love her more with a fringe, but she is so pretty and her voice <3! I really love her.
Number 7
2013 2014
So the switch was made. Kanon has become so pretty and she is really working so hard to get more spotlight. I totally understand she was voted second most populair member by the foreign fans!
Number 6
2013 2014
This perfect little girl stayed on her spot. Ayumin is such a beauty and her smile is just dazzling. I will always hope to see more of her smiles!
Number 5
2013 2014
Kumai-cho is my Oshi from Berryz. She is so beautiful and meeting her and thanking her was like a dream. She is number 5 but I really REALLY love this girl. I will always have a soft spot for this giant!
Number 4
2013 2014
Sakura made place for Eripon and Eripon made place for Sakura. I adore Eripon, I really do. She dropped a few places, but she and the number 3 and 2 are all very dear to me.
Number 3
2013 2014
My never ending love for this girl showed again. Really she is so beautiful I demand a photobook right here, right now! She is just perfect!! And her voice is so unique, it's really good to have her in Momusu.
Number 2
2013 2014

Seriously! The pictures above kinda illustrate my feelings towards Eripon and Sakura. My love for Eripon is elegant, while my love for Sakura is fierce. Sakura is the Suppin Utahime and I loved her from the moment she auditioned for S/mileage. Sakura is someone I can look at forever!
And now my number one!!
Number 1
2013 2014
I did not suprise anyone did I? Hahaha, it's quite obviouse Kanazawa Tomoko is my absolute number 1!! This girl has everything: Looks, voice and a great personality. I adore her. She stays at number one and she won't be moved from that place anytime soon!
Well everyone that was my Ranking! I really hope there will be some new girls in H!P soon (12th gen/ new group). But for now: Thanks for reading!!
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