
Welcome to my new personal blog.
I already once tried to start a personal blog, but I'm just not that interesting.
Still I wanted something to write more personal things. I already have a blog with a lot of j-pop on it, but It never feels right to put really personal stuff on that blog. I know that's weird because it's mine, but I don't know, I just wanted a place to write on and post whatever I want.
(If you are intrested this is my J-pop blog: http://piratecool192.blogspot.nl/)

Anyway let me start with an introduction.
I'm Kate or that's what I call myself online. I choose this name one day and I have had it for 5 years. I didn't want to use my real name, because it was hard to prenounce in any other language then my own and because of the profession I choose. I wanna become a teacher and to keep things seperate I wanted to have a internet name. So that's why my internetname is Kate. Sometimes I also use the name Oswin, but that's for games.
I use Kamei, Ikuta or Kanazawa as last names because they are the last names of my favorite idols. 
Other things you might wanna know about me:
I'm 21 years old, which makes me a grown up. I'm from the Netherlands and currently I'm studing History to become a teacher. I love teaching a lot and I have been teaching for two years now as an Intern.
I have a boyfriend and I love him very very much. We have been in a relationship for more than 3 years and I can't think of my live without him.

I have been a J-pop fan for about six years now, maybe more. I follow quite a lot of groups, mainly Hello!Project. Morning Musume and Berryz Koubou are my favorite groups, While Kanazawa Tomoko is my Oshi (My superuber favorite), she isn't in one of those groups but in Juice=Juice, which is a group I love too. Last Summer I finally got to meet the girls of Berryz Koubou and C-ute and that was a great moment in my life. I always wanted to thank them for all their hard work and I finally could. 
Currently if been getting in to AKB48. I really enjoy their songs and their story of hard work. Ofcourse I became a fan just after Maeda Atsuko left, which was the girl I looked up even before I really liked AKB. After Maeda I started to love Oshima Yuko (who left) and Shimazaki Haruka. 

Disney is my greatest Love. Probably even more than J-pop. Disney has been my rock since forever. I loved the movies, the music and Disneyland Paris. I have been to Disneyland Paris to many times now to count and I had a yearpass for 2 years. I collect old Disney stuff and Disney books. I have a lot of movies I love, but here are some of them that have a special place: Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, Frozen, Lilo and Stitch and Alice in Wonderland. 
I once had the dream to work in Disneyland, but my french wasn't good enough and I didn't have enough free time for them to hire me. I was fine with it, because a new life was starting anyway. 

Title of my blog
My blog is called Yume no Kawa, river of dreams. It was Maeda Atsuko's graduation song. When I first heared the song, it just got me. Maybe it's because this is how I felt when I entered college, or maybe this is what I see everytime one of my students graduate. Still this song is so powerful and I love the ending line: When my dream is fulfilled, I'll come back for you.
So I decided to call my blog Yume no Kawa and It kinda fits. I made the header myself, and I know it's not that good, but I like it okay! 

Anyway now you kinda know stuff about me. If you have questions about me, please ask them and I will anwser. I also apologise for my English, it's not my first language so I'm not that good at it. Or well my grammar isn't that good. Anyway let's have a good time and I hope all my ideas for this blog will take off soon!

Yoroshiku Onegaishimasuuuuuuu~


Yume no Kawa


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