Gloomy first day

Ello Ello Lovelys!
Today was my first official teaching day! And a gloomy day it was. 
It has been rainy and kinda dark all day, which is quite sad.
I loved being back at work and I have to be honest: The day never went by so fast.
Really guys, there was so much to do and see, it was unbelievable but great. 
I really loved being with all those kids again, I really love them and I like to work with them. 
Some of those kids are ofcourse less mm Nice, but I kinda know how to handle them so it's fine. 
Right now I'm waiting for my boyfriend to come pick me up so we can go have dinner with my parents in law. Which means I have to pack my stuff. 
I'll talk some more later one! 
Bye guys!



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