Music Column: Morning Musume album songs that should have been singles.

Morning Musume has 14 albums by now and quite a few best of albums. These albums have a lot of songs that fans hold dear and a lot of songs that would have made great singles. Today we are going to look at some album songs that could have been amazing singles. Mind you, this is completely my opinion, so tell me if I miss something or you have a different one! First let me start with the difference between an album song and a single song (in my opinion). Album songs are usually songs that are harder to promote with an MV or that lack the wow factor and single needs to sell. Single songs are usually more focused on the main members (ace/center, what ever you wanna call it), while during album songs others get a chance to shine too. Yet there are some songs that could have had that WOW factor if only given the chance and that's what I wanna share with you. Some songs are amazing and great, yet they fit an album better. Fantasy Juuichi is an album which a lot of fans fel...