Hello!Pro Covers: Favorites (2012 edition)!

2012, the year Oda Sakura joined Morning Musume, Aika and Risa graduated the group and 10th gen had their debut single. What a year to be a fan! Let's go back to 2012 and see the second part in my favorite covers!!
2012, July to December

One.Two.Three/The Matenrou Show- Morning Musume (Limited A, E and F)
These three covers were a breath of fresh air after the horror that was Renai Hunter's covers. I really thought these covers were new and nice. Limited A was such a happy and cute cover with sooooo much color! Limited E was such a cool cover and I adored the way the girls posed and the colors. Limited F was something completely different. It was classic and with so much props and nice decoration. I loved the outfits so much!!

Suki yo, Junjou Hankouki. - S/mileage (Regular edition)
Don't look at me like that, I like this cover okay! I love love love the colors and the simplicity. Less is more in this cover. I mean it's kind of weird how far in the back Take and PuuPuu are, yet this cover really got to me. Outfits are on spot and urgh the colors!!

Aitai Aitai Aitai na- C-ute (Limited B and Single V)

I really really liked the whole feel C-ute went for with these covers. I love the somewhat cool and soft tones and the colorscheme. The girls looked positively beautiful and it was just such a joy to look at these wonderful covers. I am btw a sucker for light tones and settings that look inside a cute house.

Satoyama Units

Remember what I just said about covers? Well the Satoyama Units hit my soft spot really hard with these covers. I loved the use of colors and green. I long for more covers with outside shots or in before a window. They are so beautiful and really show of our girls.


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