Idol posts
Here is a page that will contain links to all the posts I did about idols.
Well the ones who aren't treasure box or Berryz Koubou related, because they have their own pages.
But this is kinda like the master post where you can find a lot of this things I wrote!
I will also put the date in, so you guys know how old it is!
14-09-2014 Oda Sakura- Two years of Suppin UtaHime
01-10-2014 Welcome 12th gen!
4-11-2014 Tanabe Nanami: My Diamond Kenshuusei
25-11-2014 Michishige Sayumi: Mikaeri Bijin
17-12-2014 ANGERME: let the Angels cry
08-01-2015 A new group?! Was this their best decision?
09-01-2015 ANGERME: S/mileage 2.0 +3rd gen
31-01-2015 ANGERME's fashion disaster
10-02-2015 Morning Musume '15 xPretty Cute?!
14-03-2015 What is Sato Masaki's member color?
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