H!P Treasure Box: Nonaka Miki

It has been so long since I last did a Treasure Box! Let's do it again. I added all the new members!
The randomizer went at it again and it ended op Nonaka Miki

Nonaka Miki
Do keep in mind that Miki is still rather new and that it might be hard to anwser some of the questions

Name: Nonaka Miki
Nickname: Mikitty, Chelsea
Birthday: October 7, 1999 (Age: 15)
Group: Morning Musume

1. What do you like about this member?
Miki has a great voice! I really like the kinda cool attitude she has, eventhough she also is really cute. Her piano skills are amazing and she can speak english so what's not to love?
2. What do you dislike about this member?
Her close-up shots. She is still learning, so she sometimes looks very forced. 
3. When was the first time you saw this member?
When she was announced a winner of the 12th gen auditions. 
4. How did she look? (Picture)
5. What was the first song you ever saw this girl in?
Ima Koko Kara

6. What was the first cd you bought with this girl in it?
Seishun Kozou ga Naiteiru/Yuugure wa Ameagari/Ima Koko Kara

7. What is a preformance you really enjoy of this member?
There are not a lot of preformances I have seen with Miki-chan... 
But I like this preformance!

8. What song would you like to see this member preform?
I wish in English! I know there is an English version and I would love to see her preform it!
9. Post three of your favorite pictures of this member.

10. What is your best memory of this girl?
Her first english introduction! It was so cute

Bonus question:
If you met this girl tomorrow, what would you tell her?
Miki-chan! You are really awsome and not only because you can speak english!


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