H!P Hidden Gems: Goal

And we are back today with another H!P Hidden Gem.
Really there are so many good songs and so many are unknown by newer H!P fans. 
Today we have a song very dear to my heart:
Name: Goal
What kind of song?: Album Song
Artist(s): Buono
Year: 2009

1. Is this song unknown or is it pretty populair? 
I think it's unknown by the current/newer H!P fans, while it was pretty populair when it was released.
2. What is a good prefromance of this song?
3. Where there any outfits for this song? If not what are the outfits for the album/a-side?
No there were no official ouftis for the song, but for the album:
4. What makes this song good?
The song is ballad like, but still sounds very strong. It really gives this kinda "go for it" vibe and the combination of their voices is amazing. 
5. When was the last time this song was preformed and by who? (if possible video).
It was in 2011, during their ~Re:Buono~ tour. This seems to be the video:
6. Which part should people look forwards to?
The long instrumental ending, the bridge and the lovely chorus.
7. If this song was prefromed in the next H!P tour, what members should be preforming and in what kind of outfits? (Picture if possible)
Oda Sakura, Murota Mizuki and Kanazawa Tomoko
I would like them to wear something white and flowy.
8. Ask one other persons opinion about this song:
My brother: Hé I remember this song! But isn't it kinda old?
9. Give this song a grade (1/10 with 1 being horrible, to 10 being awsome)
8, I really adore it!
10. What is the "populair" rating for this song?
Another 4... Which means we now have three songs at number 1!


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