A new schoolyear

Hello hello everybody!
How are you all doing?
Can you guys believe it? This is my last weekend before everything starts again.
I am still a student, so I will be going back to school soon, but I am also a student teacher, so I will also start teaching again soon.
This summer vacation went by so quick, it's unbelievable. 
It was a good summer vacation eventhough I had to study for an upcoming test a lot.
Let me tell you a bit about the stuff I did!

The first week of the vacation me, my boyfriend and two of our best friends went on a vacation to Disneyland Paris and we added a day Paris. It was during a periode of extreme heat (for us Europeans that is), so it was really hot and well we were sweating our way through the parks. 

We did a lot of things though and we had a lot of fun. I have been to Disneyland a lot. One of my friends had never been there and the other always just for one day. So I could show them all the cool stuff and we enjoyed a lot of attractions. 
We went to Paris for a day, because I had never been there.
We went by train and had a free trip, because there was a bomb threat at the station.
Paris is really beautiful, but I have to say I like London more.
Maybe it was because it was really warm, or maybe because the city smelled really bad.
It was nice finally seeing some of the Paris sights and the things we saw were really beautiful
But the heat was to horrible, so we didn't really stay long. 
Anyway that was our first vacation. It was nice being away with friends and we had a great time.

We went on a second vacation a few weeks later. We decided to go to Limburg (a part of the Netherlands). It's really beautiful and we have a great camping there.
My parents had already been there for a week, so my boyfriend and I kinda took over the caravan for a few days. My father-in-law joined us a day later and stayed with his dog for a few days. We did many things: Hiking, visiting cities, shopping and lots more. We also went to Aachen, which is a beautiful German city near the border! It was really nice and we got a lot of rest.
Right now I have been home already for two weeks and monday normal life is about to start again.
I am really exited for my internship and my minor. I am doing a minor in the English language and cutlure, which I have always loved and I can't wait to start.

I am kinda scared that I am taking on to much work, cause next to my internship and my minor I am working for one night at a local shop and I need to study for some tests I am redoing. So that's kinda stressful.

For now I just wanted to kinda update you guys and well please understand if posts are slow. I am trying to kinda plan them in and make time for them, because I love writing posts. But sometimes it's quite hard to find inspiration in a stressful life. 

Anyway guys I will be back soon with more Idol related posts and maybe some other stuff too!
Please look forwards to them and thank you for always reading my blog and taking care of me!



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