The best and the worst of 2015: ANGERME's a-side ranking of 2015

ANGERME's A-side ranking of 2015 ANGERME was kind of new this year and was the rebirth of S/mileage. This year a lot has happend for them, they got 4 new members and lost one of their founding members. So let's have a look at the songs they produced this year! Number 8 At number 8 we have Gashin Shoutan . This song really isn't my taste. I do not think I have listened to this song more than twice? The chorus is kinda fun, but the other parts are quite boring. Kanananana sounds fab, but I don't know it is just not my kind of song. I do understand why people do like this song. It's happy and pretty cool. But I do not feel this song. Number 7 Watashi is the only solo song ANGERME released this year. Fukuda Kanon graduated from ANGERME and wrote her own song (or actually only the lyrics). I was really disappointed by this song. It is quite fun and it fits Kanon, but it didn't really get me. The lyrics were quite boring and the part before ...